Saturday, November 27, 2021

William Witte born 1808



Wilhelm Witte

Born:   1808    Died:  ____?_____

He joined Zion Presbyterian Church, Fosterburg, Illinois on March 28, 1861

Married:  Amalie (Amelia) Witte on            __?__  in  ____?____

            Born:  1809     Died:  ____?_____


            Wilhelm and Amalie came to America on the ship “New Orleans” from the port of Bremen in Germany.  They landed in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 25, 1860 with their three grown children.


            Note from 3/24/2005:  There was a huge tornado that took many buildings in Fosterburg, Illinois in 1948, so no records or evidence of their graves were found in any cemeteries in or around Fosterburg.  Did they leave with Philipp?  Did they die before Philipp left?  If so, did he bury them in his plots in Fosterburg without stones?  And what of Amalie and Wilhelm, their other children?  Didn’t they want to take care of their parents?  Wilhelm and Henretta have a very nice stone in the Woodburn cemetery, but no other Witte names are present.



            Amalie Witte   (27 at time of arrival in US)

                        Born:  1833     Died:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____?______  

            Wilhelm (William) Witte        (24 at time of arrival in US)

Born:  1836     Died:  _____?______ Buried: January, 1909 in Woodburn Cemetery, Fosterburg, Illinois

Married: Henrietta, who died on August 30, 1906 and was buried in Woodburn Cemetery, Fosterburg, Illinois – (no maiden name, birth date  is known.)


   Ernst Phillipp Witte                      (23 at time of arrival in US)

            Born:  12/1/1837 in Lippe-Detmold, Germany

            Joined the Zion Presbyterian Church in Fosterburg, Illinois on March 28, 1861.

            Died:  9/11/1910 in Marion, South Dakota.  

Buried in Germantown Cemetery, Chancellor, South Dakota.


Note:  No mention of the name “Ernst” in the Zion Church records in Fosterburg or at Dubuque.  

            On March 28, 2005 records were found in the Library of the University of Dubuque in the Archives.  A book identified as “Minutes of the convention of German Presbyterian Preachers (Ministers) and elders of the Northwest 1862-1889” was found listing Phil Witte several times.  A Certificate of Incorporation of “The German Presbyterian Convention of Ministers and Elders in the West” dated August 14, 1868 was handwritten in this book.  Most of the minutes were written in German, but the wording of this certificate is in English.  One of the things that stood out was that German, Dutch and English would be used, but the minutes would be “chiefly in the German language.” 

            Trustees of the incorporation were Rev. Gottfried Moerz, Jacob Conzett and Conrad Knackstedt.  A. VanVliet was the first signer.  Then a listing of all the ministers and elders present at that time showed Phil Witte in line #52.  (He must have been an elder.)

            Another section in the book written in English in 1880 was regarding some “unrest” among the ministers and elders.  Some must have made allegations of mismanagement of the school at Dubuque.  Others said these people knew nothing about it and instead of doing their own research into the problem were using hearsay as truth.

            Phil Witte must have been an ordained minister by 1883 because his name is listed as being from Prairie Dell, Illinois in May of that year.  Monetary amounts were noted at each name on this page ranging from the 100’s down to almost nothing.  After Philipp’s name was the amount of $32.50.  It might have been the amount of money given by his church to the Convention.

            April 30, 1885 shows Phil Witte as attending the Convention, but no church was identified. 


            Married:  E. Anna Weimers (spelling may be Wiemers according to sources in                            Fosterburg, Illinois on March 24, 2005)

            Born:  8/2/1843           Died:  5/19/1878 in Fosterburg, Illinois

            Date of marriage:  _____?_______ in ___________?_______________

            Joined the Zion Presbyterian Church in Fosterburg, Illinois as Anna Wiemers on                           August 4, 1864.


            (The date of their marriage must have been around that same time – at least between 1864 and 1869 when their first child was born.  Since she didn’t arrive with the Witte’s at the same time, she may have lived in or near Fosterburg for quite some time, but it is doubtful that she was born there since so many of the Germans came during that time.)




            Lydia Witte Highstreet           Born:  1/26/1869

                                                            Baptized as “Lidia Karolina” Witte in Zion Presbyterian Church, Fosterburg, Illinois on February 28, 1869.  “Philipp Witte and Anna” as parents.  

            (Found in Session records on Zion Church on March 24, 2005)

            Christina Rebecca Witte Plucker    Born:  12/1/1872    (Grandmother of Jean)

            Emma Witte Coleman

            Martha Witte Ludwig

            Anna Witte                              Born:  (date)    Died:  6/19/1878


            (There is speculation that the mother, Anna, died in childbirth and the baby, Anna, died just a month later.  However, the birth and death dates of both “Annas” are suspect.  For instance, in a Witte genealogy, p.76, it notes that little Anna died at age one.)


            Note from 3/24/2005:  The Witte grave site was found in the Fosterburg cemetery.  The cemetery records show “Phil Witte” owning 10 plots, but visible is only one large stone with two small stones on each side.  It looks like mother (Anna) and baby (Anna) were buried together. The sandstone marker has worn away quite severely, but some of the lettering is still visible. Here is a picture and a partial translation of the wording.  Translation was very difficult since it was written in Platt Deutsch, not High German.  No other Wiemers names were found in the community and no one remembered the name other than to say they must have moved away.


  06%20Jean's%20Great%20Grandmother     09%20Anna%20Witte's%20stone%20cleaned 



 11   10


Anna Witte, the mother, was born August 2, 1843 and died March 19, 1878.  The baby, Anna Witte, was born March 2, 1878 and died June 19, 1978.  The wording is very faint, but speaks of her righteousness and faithfulness so that when she stands before God she will get into Heaven. 


The 1880 census records from Madison County, Illinois, noted the following persons in the William Witte family:


            William Witte             72

            Amelia                         72

            Philip                           42

            Henrietta (Voss)         18


            When Phillipp was 42, he would have had four children, Lydia (11), Christina (7), Emma and Martha (both younger), so he may have hired Henrietta to take care of them for him.  While she was his “housekeeper” he may have decided to marry her.



            Note:  According to his obituary, Phillipp (spelling from obit) went to Dubuque to Seminary the same year Anna died, 1878.  But no date is given for his marriage to Henrietta.              


Second wife:

            Henrietta (Harriet) Voss

                        Born:  1862(?)             Died:  1933

                        Marriage date:  unknown


            (Jean Straatmeyer’s grandmother, when speaking of her step-mother, said that she was a “wicked step-mother.”  She made the girls do all the work while she did nothing.  If this woman was only 18 or 20 years old when she married Phillipp, it is no wonder the older kids called her the “wicked step-mother.”  Since she came from Louisiana*, she may have had servants so she might not have known how to cook.  When Bill (Phillipp’s brother) married Mary, he said it was the first good food he ever had!)  (* Cindee here:  if Henrietta was from Louisiana and that's where their ship landed, isn't it possible that they hired her as a servant in Louisiana and brought her along to Illinios?--see below)


Children of Phillip & Henrietta:


            Infant son (No birth dates for three of four children – Obit notes five children)

            Lena Witte Hippen  Born:  2/7/1890              Died:  7/27/1984

            Anna Witte Tellingheusen

            Carl Fredrick William (Bill) Witte                 Died:  1955     

                        Married 2/22/1910  to:  

                                    Mary Johanna Handwerk  Born:  5/10/1894  Died:  3/1/1985


                        Children of Bill & Mary:

            Ernest Witte – married ?

            Elma Witte – married Lee Mabee.  She died 9/29/99.

            Ellory Witte (died circa 1970) – married Mercedes

            Eunice Witte – married Raymond Ries, died:  1/14/2000


NOTE from Jean Straatmeyer:  Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary (my father’s aunt & uncle) lived in Marion, South Dakota and when I was young, we would visit there quite often.  Eunice, although older than me, would pay a lot of attention to me.  They had a very nice home and a beautiful garden with a fish pond in the back yard.


Evelyn Witkop, age 84, of Sioux Falls, SD, on Thursday, March 16, 2000, tells that “no one ever talked of Henrietta’s beginnings.”  She said neither her mother nor her grandmother ever discussed Henrietta’s family, how she met Phillip or how she got from Louisiana to Illinois. Evelyn Witkop said she was 16 or 18 years old when her Grandma, Henrietta Witte, died.


On Phillip’s tombstone in Germantown Cemetery, there is a loose square of cement with the word, “Anna” or “Anne” on it.  According to Mrs. Witkop, this is the name of his daughter, Anne Tellinghuisen, who died when she was young, although already married and had a child.


Mrs. Witkop said that both of Philip Witte’s wives and his daughter are buried with him at Germantown.  (We believe that is not true since Anna’s grave marker was found in Fosterburg on March 24, 2005.)


Evelyn Witkop on 3/16/2000 said she remembers John & Christiana Plucker very well and that they would often come to visit. She said Grandma was (in her estimation) “The best example of a real lady.” She would always be wrapped in a blanket. She would get out of the old Marquette, bring her blanket along with her and wrap herself up in it (her legs) during the visit. Mrs. Witkop said that Christina Plucker had such a “kindly face.”


Henrietta Voss was probably 71 years old when she died.  She married two more times after Phillip Witte.  She was Mrs. Van Gerpen and Mrs. Ben Cornelius – in that order, but nothing is known of those unions.  She is said to be buried in the Germantown cemetery with Phillip Witte and that Bill Witte was put in charge of getting her name on the tombstone.  He never did.  It is still a “sore subject” with Evelyn Witkop, his niece.


Phillip was 40 years old when his first wife, Anna Weimers, died.  He was 42 (+/-) when he married Henrietta Voss.  He was 72 years old when he died.


Henrietta was 48 years old when Phillip died.  And she probably died in Marion, but there was a fire in Marion that burned old city records, so no obituary could be found.

So Henrietta was 16 when she got married to old Phil at 42 years old!!!????  (Cindee added this)



Compiled by Jean E. Straatmeyer

March, 2000 and March, 2005


Engel Jansen Poppen

 HINDERKS, Hinderk Poppen

            Came from Eilsum to Grimersum. Died in Grimersum on October 27, 1840

            Married in Uttum April 27th, 1800, to



            Born in Uttum around 1775. Died in Grimersum on November 14, 1831.


                        They had at least one child:


POPPEN, Jan Hinderks (father: Hinderk Poppen from Grimersum), 

            1838 Kleidermacher, 1849 Schneider Meister, 

            Born in Grimersum, died 28.07.1849, Buried 02.08. (He was over 48 years old when he died.)

            He died of “Todesursache: an Hals- u. Brusten-zundung.

He was married 15.02.1835 (Kirche), (34/-) to Grietje Heyen Luitjes (parents: Heye Hinderks from Cirkwehrum and Houke Hansen (who later married Klaas Sieverts Steenlage) She died 24.06.1879, buried on the 29th, (she was over 79 years old) 

Todesursache: Krebsschaden.

One child: Engel Jansen, born 12.08.1838. Baptized on the 19th.



A poor translation of the above:


Jan Hinderks Poppen was born in the village of Grimersum. In 1838 he was a clothes tailor and then became a master tailor. Suddenly, in 1849 he died (7/28/1849) of a throat or chest ailment and was buried on 6/29/1879.


Jan married Grietje Heyen Luitjes on 2/15/1835. She was born in Cirkwehrum (no date) and died of cancer on June 24, 1879. She was buried on 6/29/1879.


One child was born to this union – Engel Jansen Poppen – on August 12, 1838.


Engel lost her father when she was nine years old. Her mother lived for 30 years after her father died. She re-married to Mr. Steenlage, but eventually died of cancer in 1879.


The above information gleaned from “Die Familien der Kirchgemeinde Suurhusen (1705 – 1900)

Band 81           Printed in 2008 by Gerhard Neeland.


There were families with the Poppen name living in two houses in Suurhusen: 

            In 1803, Foske Poppen lived in House #20.

            In 1835 Jan Hindrichs Poppen and Greetje Luitjens lived in House #37.

            Between 1845-1856 Jan Hinrichs Witwe Poppen owned house #37.

John Poppe Plucker - Stage Coach incident

 November 12, 2007




            Lennox, S.D. May 2 –One of Lennox’s well-known pioneer residents, John P. Plucker, includes narrations of the old Sioux Falls-Yankton stage coach trail among his recollections.

            Both Mr. & Mrs. Plucker have been longtime residents of this community. They were married November 20, 1893—a wedding partnership of nearly 47 years—and they farmed seven miles northwest of Lennox until 1920, when they moved to Lennox with their retirement. They were married in the Germantown Presbyterian Church, eight miles northwest of Lennox, which was organized May 5, 1886—with Mrs. Plucker’s father, the late Rev. P.H. Witte, the first pastor of that church.

Father Homesteaded

            Mr. Plucker was born November 11, 1869, at Rockford, Ill., and Mrs. Plucker was born December 1, 1872, at Alton, Ill. The former’s parents were natives of Germany, immigrating to America and Rockford in 1866 and moving to Ackley in 1872.

            In 1877 Mr. Plucker’s father filed on a homestead six miles northwest of Lennox, his family joining him nearly a year later. It was by this farm that the Sioux Falls-Yankton stage coach trail served. Horses were changed at the Plucker farm and at Swan Lake. Although only a youth then, he tells of various experiences in connection with the early stage trail, at times assisting in the changing of horses. Indians were common in the Plucker family’s earliest years here. Likewise, Mr. Plucker and a brother were caught in the blizzard of 1888, in which three neighboring boys lost their lives while returning from school.

Belong to Old Church

            Mr. and Mrs. Plucker still are affiliated with the Germantown Presbyterian church. He has served as elder and deacon more than 15 and 20 years, respectively. He was an alderman on the city council from ward 3 for four years.

            There are four children, namely: Mrs. P. H. Poppens, Princeton, Ill.; M. E. Plucker, on the old home place; Mrs. J. L. Mihelic, Chicago, and Mrs. Charles Wadleigh, of Albuquerque, N. M.


In her letter, Dots says:

“Lennox Anniversary Edition 1879-1939”

Did you ever read the account of the Yankton-Sioux Falls stage coach trail as it crossed the Plucker farm? The book tells that John P. Plucker was an eye witness of one of the robberies. He was 10 at the time as he saw the “federal” men capture the robbers.



More research from the Chancellor History Booklet:

            This book says the Yankton, S.F. coach trail ran across the Menne Plucker farm in Section 10 of Turner County. That Plucker farm would be where Uncle Enno Plucker lived (his father had homesteaded that land). Now the farm is occupied by Michael Plucker and family. Mike is the great grandson of Enno and Minnie Plucker.



Engel Poppen Plucker Obituary





August 12, 1838 – September 4, 1915


Miss Engel Poppen was born August 12, 1838 at Suurhusen, Ostfriesland, Germany, and died September 4, 1915 and was seventy-seven years and twenty-three days of age at the time of death.

            She was united in marriage to Mr. Menne Plucker on April 18, 1866, who still survives her.

            The young couple came to America a short time after their marriage and lived in Illinois from 1866 until some time in 1872 when they moved to Iowa living in that state until the year 1878 when they immigrated to Dakota, settling on a farm four miles northeast of Chancellor and upon which her and her husband have lived continuously up to the time of her death.

            She leaves to mourn her loss her aged husband seven children – all married, forty-two grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.

            She was an every day Christian, being a faithful member of the Germantown Presbyterian Church from the time it was organized twenty-eight years ago until her death.  The beautifying influences of a pure religion were spread over a life and character as spotless and charming as was ever possessed by any of the noble women who have lived and died during the ages that are gone.  As such a life was a blessing and benefaction to all within the sphere of its influence so is the death of such as an irreparable loss to the home circle made desolate by her departure.  It is difficult to pay a fitting tribute to the memory of so noble a woman – one whose every day life was embellished by the most charming and lovable attributes of her sex.

            She could tell many interesting incidents of early pioneer experience with the Indians, the old time Dakota blizzards and other hardships through which she passed.


Friday, November 26, 2021

Dena Thaden and MEJ Plucker wedding announcement





            A very pretty scene took place at the home of E. L. Thaden on Wednesday, June 4th, at high noon, when Miss Dena Thaden became the wife of Mr. Menno Plucker.

            At twelve o’clock noon, the bridal couple were lead into the parlor by Rev. John Smidt, where the immediate relatives and friends were gathered.

            The bride was attended by Catherine Bunger, a very charming young lady from Davis, S. D.  The groom was attended by her brother, Mr. Jerry Thaden, a student from the University of Dubuque.

            After the ceremony, a delicious three course dinner was served to which all did justice.

            The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thaden, and is well known, as she grew to womanhood in this vicinity.  She was educated at the University of Dubuque, and also took a course in nurse training at the Clinic Hospital at Huron.  She has by her kind actions and disposition and her pleasant ways won a host of friends.  We are sure she will bring sunshine in the home that will soon by organized.

            She was beautifully attired in silk charmeuse satin trimmed with white and she carried a boquet white roses.  

            The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Plucker of Lennox, S. D.  He grew to manhood in and near Lennox and was also educated at the University of Dubuque.  He is well known and has for the past few years conducted a grain elevator in Lennox.  Through his steady disposition and civil manner he has won a host of friends.

            The bridal couple left for Princeton, Ill., where they will spend a few weeks on a honeymoon.

            They will be at home to their friends in Lennox after the 20th of June.

            The Independent and friends of Mr. & Mrs. Plucker wish them success and happiness.

Menne Albert Plucker + stage coach



Mr. & Mrs. Menne Albert Plucker were early pioneer settlers of this vicinity. (The Lennox, South Dakota vicinity)


Mr. Plucker was born September 17, 1837 in Uttum, Ostfriesland, Germany. Mrs. Plucker, also a native of Germany, was born at Suurhusen, Ostriesland, August 12, 1838. Prior to her marriage, her name was Miss Engel Poppen. Both members of this union were reared in Germany and subsequently married abroad on April 18, 1866. The newly married couple then left their native land and immigrated to the United States, settling in Ogle County at Rockford, IL. They resided there for nearly six years, and in 1972 continued their trek westward to Ackley, IA.


After residing nearly half a decade in the Hawkeye state, Mr. Plucker in 1877 came to Dakota Territory and filed on a homestead claim six miles northwest of Lennox. The following year, 1878, his family took up their residence here with him.


Nine children were born to this union, two of whom died when quite young. They were Wessel (1867-1939, John (1869-1957), Harmke (1871-1931), Menno (1873-1917), Henry (1876-1953), Grace (1878-1958) and Enno (1880-1950). 


Mr. Plucker attained the age of 87 years, 11 months and eight days at the time of his death on August 25, 1925. Mrs. Plucker preceded him in death, passing away September 4, 1915 at the age of 77 years and 23 days.


Mr. & Mrs. Plucker were charter members of the Germantown Presbyterian Church and he was one of the original elders. Following Mrs. Plucker’s death in 1915 Mr. Plucker spent his remaining years with his son, Enno M. Plucker.


The Plucker family came to Sioux Falls on one of the first freight trains and was delayed briefly while the railroad was being completed. They endured the many early hardships which prevailed, and witnessed the progress of this large area.


In the blizzard of 1888, Menne Plucker lost 37 head of cattle, and the following year he constructed a large barn which was used until 1997.


The two eldest boys, Wessel and John, were caught in the blizzard of 1888, one and ½ miles from home, while they were hauling straw. When the blizzard struck it took the load of straw and rack, leaving them with a bobsled. With the aid of the hard trail and other indications leading to their farm they reached the place safely, although the blizzard was so severe they passed their father in their yard unnoticed. The two boys and their horses, were coated with ice and snow when their father located them in the barn.


During the winter of 1881 the Plucker family was unable to get to town for three months due to the deep snow and many snow storms. During that time they ground six sacks (15 bushels) of wheat in a coffee mill. Early in March, Mr. Plucker and his son, Wessel, went to Lennox on snowshoes to get necessary supplies. It was impossible for them to get to their stock for three days on one occasion during that winter.


The old Yankton-Sioux Falls stage coach trail crossed the Plucker farm and John P. Plucker was an eye witness of the robbery of one of the stages. A lad of but 10 years, he saw the “federal” men capture the robber – approximately 80 rods from the Plucker home. The stage coach horses were kept at Sioux Falls, the Plucker farm and Swan Lake. The horses were changed at these places enroute to and from Yankton. There was only one other farm home recorded between Sioux Falls and the Plucker farm.


Indians were numerous here years ago. It was common to see 50 wagons of Indians coming through – often camping on the Plucker farm along Long Creek. They would sometimes ask for clothing and food. Their hunting and trapping centered on muskrat, rabbit and skunk. At one time there were approximately 150 wagons conveying nearly 500 Indians camping on the Plucker farm. Most times they were quite friendly, and the boys frequently visited them. Occasionally, when the weather was inclement, Indians were taken in as guests and slept on the floor of the Plucker home.


In 1884, Menne Plucker lost a son, Dierk, who was born December 28, 1882 and died March 2 1884. When this child died, Menne donated land where this child was buried. This became the first burial of Germantown Cemetery.


In 1886 Great Grandpa Menne Plucker donated land for the Germantown Church. He was one of the first elders of the church and he and his wife were charter members.


From the Chancellor Anniversary Book

(check date)

How they got Germantown Church

Pastor Witte's Obituary






This is his obituary:


            “Oh to us becomes the heart so empty in the ringing world, and we all long for the Father’s House so very much.”


            On Sunday evening, just as the sun disappeared in the west, Pastor Phillipp Witte died on the 11th of September (1909) in his house in Marion, South Dakota.  Long days of biter suffering were left behind, although he still believed that he had to do something still here on earth so that his death would have meaning.  Through innocent beliefs in Jesus Christ, he exhaled his life at an age of almost 73 years.

            Pastor Witte was one of the pioneers of our German undertakings in the west.  He had seen the same small beginning and was permitted to still rejoice and see how the work of God’s success grew and how beautiful it spread.

            On December 1, 1837, he was born in Lippe-Detmold.  When he was 23 years old he came to America and settled in the vicinity of Fosterburg, Illinois.  There he married Fraulein Antje Wiemers.  They had five children, four of whom are still living.

            Already for a long time he felt the pressure inside that the Lord wanted to make use of him in the ministry.  But he was against it.  Then came a hard belt.  The Lord took away his wife in the year 1878.

            In this time of darkness, he saw the Lord’s hand and in the same year he entered the seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.  Through hard studying and love of his work he decided to finish his years of studying.  During this time he had again gotten married to Fraulein Henrietta Voss.  There were given five children.  His first field of work was in the area of Prairie Dell in Illinois.  He worked there several years until he took the train and followed the German immigrants to the west.  He took over a small field in the vicinity of Chancellor, South Dakota, a field which is now such a blooming community.  In the year 1888 he came further west to Marion, South Dakota and there became established through him our present community in the year 1889 where he spent the decline of his life.

            For about 15 years the community was building a church which unfortunately before they were finished, burned to the ground.  On the ruins stood Pastor Witte, with the discouraged community.  Still with trust in God, they agreed to begin building again.  So, he spent his time in the middle of the work which he had started, until God took him on the above mentioned date of time. Rest after the work!!


(Translated by Cynthia Jean Straatmeyer, great, great granddaughter of Phillipp E. Witte, on June 26, 1979, 69 years after his death.)


(The great grandfather of Jean Ellen Plucker Straatmeyer.  His daughter, Christina Rebecca Witte, married John Poppe Plucker.  Their son, Menne Elvin Plucker was Jean’s father.)




From The Presbyterian Messenger – written by Lydia Plucker Mihelic



            On November 29th Mr. & Mrs. John P. Plucker of Lennox observed their 58th wedding anniversary.  They have spent most of their lives in the Germantown and Lennox vicinities.  The parents of both of them were pioneers.  Mr. Plucker’s parents came from East Friesland, Germany to Oregon, Illinois about 1860.  From there they moved to Ackley, Iowa, and in the fall of 1877 they took a homestead in the present Germantown township area.  Mrs. Plucker’s father, the Reverend Philipp Witte, became the first pastor of the Germantown Presbyterian congregation which was organized in 1886.  The building was erected in 1887 on land given by Menne Plucker the father of John P.  It was there that John Plucker and Christina Witte met and in 1893 they were married by the bride’s father.

            After 28 years of farming the family moved to their present home in Lennox.  Mr. & Mrs. Plucker enjoy visiting with friends and neighbors and especially with their three daughters and one son who come to see them as often as possible.  At 82 Mr. Plucker still likes to tell stories of incidents which happened in his childhood, and which are of interest to our generation in that they furnish some very sharp contrasts in methods of work and attitudes of people then and now.  Some of these stories follow and could be matched by other pioneer couples whose children still live in this area.

            Mr. Plucker tells that the farm which is presently owned and operated by his son, M. E. J. Plucker, was originally homesteaded by a Frenchman.  His father, Menne Plucker, purchased it from him in 1884.  The land was half cultivated and half prairie.  Before the prairie land could produce, the prairie grass had to be burned in the fall and broken the following spring, and then it was plowed back in the fall.  This was called “Back-set.”  It was not till the following spring that the land was ready for sowing wheat.  Corn could not be planted because the land was too hard to work.

            Another recollection of Mr. Plucker is that the first summer of their married life, in 1894, there occurred a very severe drought which caused a total failure of crops, both garden and grain.  Then every effort had to be made in order to keep the animals alive.

            Still another story which he likes to tell is the one about their trip from Ackley, Iowa, to the homestead claim in the Germantown Township.  His father came ahead to begin the homestead and to have some of the land broken.  Six months later the family of six children came by train.  With two wagons they brought some lumber, stock and one pig.  Since there were no wild animals which could be hunted for meat, the pig which they brought with them was their only source of meat for the first year, 1878.  Because of adverse circumstances, the Menne Plucker family had very little money when they moved from Illinois, and when Menne came to South Dakota to claim the homestead, he had only $5.00 in his pocket.  He borrowed money to build a mud house and to buy the absolute necessities for his family.  The interest on the borrowed money was 10% and a 5% commission.  Another item of interest which Mr. Plucker recalls is the prices.  In 1895 eggs were three cents a dozen, and corn cost 25 to 30 cents a bushel.  In 1920 oats sold for $1.04 a bushel, but in 1922 it was only eight cents a bushel.

            Amid all these difficulties and every day problems the Pluckers took a lively interest in the church.  The church was to them a haven of rest and a source of strength.  They did all in their power to preserve it for future generations.  May the gracious Lord continue to grant the John P. Pluckers a pleasant eventide.