HINDERKS, Hinderk Poppen
Came from Eilsum to Grimersum. Died in Grimersum on October 27, 1840
Married in Uttum April 27th, 1800, to
Born in Uttum around 1775. Died in Grimersum on November 14, 1831.
They had at least one child:
POPPEN, Jan Hinderks (father: Hinderk Poppen from Grimersum),
1838 Kleidermacher, 1849 Schneider Meister,
Born in Grimersum, died 28.07.1849, Buried 02.08. (He was over 48 years old when he died.)
He died of “Todesursache: an Hals- u. Brusten-zundung.
He was married 15.02.1835 (Kirche), (34/-) to Grietje Heyen Luitjes (parents: Heye Hinderks from Cirkwehrum and Houke Hansen (who later married Klaas Sieverts Steenlage) She died 24.06.1879, buried on the 29th, (she was over 79 years old)
Todesursache: Krebsschaden.
One child: Engel Jansen, born 12.08.1838. Baptized on the 19th.
A poor translation of the above:
Jan Hinderks Poppen was born in the village of Grimersum. In 1838 he was a clothes tailor and then became a master tailor. Suddenly, in 1849 he died (7/28/1849) of a throat or chest ailment and was buried on 6/29/1879.
Jan married Grietje Heyen Luitjes on 2/15/1835. She was born in Cirkwehrum (no date) and died of cancer on June 24, 1879. She was buried on 6/29/1879.
One child was born to this union – Engel Jansen Poppen – on August 12, 1838.
Engel lost her father when she was nine years old. Her mother lived for 30 years after her father died. She re-married to Mr. Steenlage, but eventually died of cancer in 1879.
The above information gleaned from “Die Familien der Kirchgemeinde Suurhusen (1705 – 1900)
Band 81 Printed in 2008 by Gerhard Neeland.
There were families with the Poppen name living in two houses in Suurhusen:
In 1803, Foske Poppen lived in House #20.
In 1835 Jan Hindrichs Poppen and Greetje Luitjens lived in House #37.
Between 1845-1856 Jan Hinrichs Witwe Poppen owned house #37.
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