Friday, December 7, 2012


One day I began counting up the generations that have come from one person (my Great, Great, Great Grandfather Plucker) who was born in 1778! There were eight generations. So I thought I'd try to put faces to all those generations. Sadly, I don't have pictures for the first two "Grandpas," but I do have their names and a bit of information about them:

KOERT HINDERKS PLUKKER was born in Uttum, Ostfriesland on April 4, 1778. He was a "worker" which probably meant that he hired out to whomever needed help - most likely farmers. When he was 30 years old he married Antje Wessels and they had three children, one of whom was:

 WESSEL KOERTS PLUKKER, who was born in Uttum on January 27, 1812 and was also listed as a "worker." He married Harmke Mennen Eekhoff when he was 25 years old. They had nine children, one of whom was:

Menne A. Plukker
MENNE ALBERTS PLUKKER, who was born on September 17, 1837 in Uttum. In 1866 he married Engel Poppen who was from Suurhusen. (See this blog "The Poppen Connection" and "Menne A. and Engel Plucker" posted in September, 2011 for their story). They were 29 and 28 years old respectively and had three children: Wessel, who married Velmke Johnson (they had seven children), John M. who died in 1869 after having lived for one year and finally:

John P. Plucker

JOHN POPPE PLUCKER, who was born on November 11, 1869. He married Christina Rebecca Witte on November 29, 1893. He was 24 and she was 21. Christina was the daughter of Phillip Witte, the first pastor of Germantown Presbyterian Church. John and Christina had six children: Engel Anna, Wilbur (who died at age 22 - fall from a horse), Menne Elvin, Ester Lydia (died at age 3-1/2), Lydia Verna and Alma Christina.

The third born in this family was my father:

M.E.J. Plucker
MENNE ELVIN (M.E.J.) PLUCKER, who was born on August 4, 1900.
He married Dena Margaret Thaden on June 4, 1924. (Both of my parents' stories are posted elsewhere on this blog.)

M.E.J. and Dena had three children, Dorothy June, Robert Elvin and me:

Jean Straatmeyer

JEAN ELLEN PLUCKER STRAATMEYER, who was born on November 25, 1938 and married Henry Gene Straatmeyer on June 11, 1957.

Three children were born to this union: Cynthia Jean,
 Sandra Jean and Michael Gene.

Cindee Karns

CYNTHIA JEAN STRAATMEYER KARNS was born on April 25, 1959. She married Curtis Edwin Karns on June 5, 1981.

To this union were born two children: Kirsten Jean, and Keith Thomas.

KIRSTEN JEAN KARNS, born on August 29, 1983, married Daniel Leonard on December 29, 2006.

Shortly after their marriage, they both changed their names to Daniel Neilsen Leonard Talbot and JEANIE KARNS TALBOT.

Jeanie Talbot
Their first baby was born on June 25, 2012 and named:

Auri Talbot

Auri makes the eighth generation!

Note: This blog posted with regrets to my other two chdilren and eight grandchildren who prove six and seven generations from Koert Hinderks Plukker!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a descendant of this same family on my mother's side. Very cool.