Thursday, March 10, 2011


Here are two letters written by Johannah Christiana Amelia Wilken Thaden to: Gerhardine Louise Thaden and her husband, Wolter Pieter Baard, upon the death of their first born child, Grace Louise Baard, born July 29, 1920 and died as the result of pneumonia following measles. (Grace Louise Baard died April 9, 1924.)

(Johannah signs the letters "C. Thaden," which verifies the fact that when they lived in Tacoma - and perhaps before - she was called Christiane instead of Johannah.)

"Tacoma, May 22, 1924

"My dear Dina and Walther! (Notice the different spelling as well as a different familiar name)
     "I will now try and write you a few lines. I have been sickly since Easter and was to weak on body and minde to write!
     "But now I feel a little stronger. I am so very sorry you lost your little girl, such a smart little thing! But you must think, God knows best, why He took it. Maybe, there was something in store for her, what would have been a good deal worse for her, as Dead! He, our Heavenly Father, only knows and you will see her when the time comes, to see her as a bright little Angel! You know, I lost my second child, Hannah, to, and she was 14 years old and I could [not] let her go either! But God gives us strength that we can overcome it, and obey His Will meakly without murmer!
     "How are you both, dear children? The children out there are, so far I know well!
     " Now, please write soon and tell us how you are!
     "O, it is to dry here, we should have tobad rain! But we must say there too, God knows best!
     "God be with you, is the prayer of you Grandma C. Thaden"

(A woman whose name is Juanita, wrote that this was the last letter her mother received from her grandmother, who died August 17, 1924. Juanita gave these letters to my cousin, Lois, who did a great job of gathering family information. However, I don't have information about this family line.)

The second letter:

"Tacoma, June 2, 1924

"Dear Dina and Walter!
     "I received you dear letter, was so glad to hear of you and that you are well! I thank you for that picture of you and little Darling Grace. Such a sweet child! Looks just like you, her Mamma, dear Dina! That gives you love more to our Heavenly Home!
     "O, dear Dina, I so often hope to go Home! When people are so old as I - 84 years, they are at last tired of this world: and since Papa, my husband died, 13 years ago I am always going down, downhill! Always weaker and weaker but not sick in bed, only walking goes hard with me. I can hear good, and see pretty good, but have only a little strength.
     "Christina has a fellon in her left hand; she had [unintelligible] in the four weak that hand, but since a couple weaks it begins to better. O, that was awful bad! Couple months ago she stepped in a rusty nail and could not walk! Yesterday your Mother's birthday was, how old is she? She has a hard life!
     "Now my dear children, Trust in God. He will help you to overcome your sorrow! If you can, write soon, please! Christine will write too, soon as she is able!
     'Love from all. God be with you is the prayer of your loving Grandma C. Thaden"

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