Wednesday, March 9, 2011



     G. L. Thoden and his wife Christiane celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding, October 27, 1909.
     They came from Germany and settled in Luverne, Minn., about 39 years ago, and came to Tacoma, Wash., 18 years ago.
     Thirty-six years a go they were converted under the labors of the Rev. wm. Oehler. They at once united with our church and are now faithful and esteemed members.
     The Christliche Botschafter has been a welcome guest in their home for 36 years, and has brought them many blessings. They said recently: "It would seem as though they had withdrawn from the church if the Botschafter were not to come to their home."
     Brother and Sister Thoden were always stanch supporters of God's cause and helped to organize our church in Tacoma. they stood by the church here when for years it almost seemed a useless effort, and now they greatly rejoice to see the work prosper.
     God's blessings rested visibly on this happy couple these many years.
     Fifty years they shared the joys and also the sorrows of married life, and now with Samuel can erect an Ebenezer and say: "Hitherto the Lord hath helped us."
     The Lord grant Brother and Sister Thoden many more years of home life and religious activities and after the joys and sorrows here, eternal bliss forever.

T. R. Hornschuch

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